Conservative Historian
History is too important to be left to the left. The Conservative Historian provides history through governed by conservative principles, and seen through the prism of conservatism.
Podcasting since 2020 • 252 episodes
Conservative Historian
Latest Episodes
Readying for Surrender: The Lack of Money and Decline of Military Power in History
We look at 17th century Spain as an example of how a great power can decline and fail when it takes on too much debt. A lesson for the US.

Perversions of History: The Platforming of Darryl Cooper and Martyr Made
History denigrating the United States, celebrating dictators and crafting false and misleading narratives used to be the purview of the left. Now we have it on the right.

Movies from the 1990s and Today
We compare the 1995 Best Picture Oscars with 2025. Then my brother Chris and I ask the question: What the heck happened?